Ngāti Ruaiti, Matarahurahu hapū, is a delegate for both Kēnana and Waiaua marae to Te Rūnanga-ā-Iwi o Ngāti Kahu, trustee of both her marae, a member of the Taumata Kaumātua o Ngāti Kahu, a Pou Ako for Ataarangi (Māori language programme), Taumata Assessor for Kōhanga Reo Akonga (trainees) and was a member of the Board of Trustees of Tamaki College for twelve years. She trained as a secondary school teacher in Ataakura, the Māori language group at Epsom Teachers’ Training College and holds a Diploma in Teaching. Reremoana taught at Selwyn College in Auckland before returning home to teach in Ngāti Kahu’s kohanga reo. She is a life member of Ngā Wāhine Māori Toko i te Ora (Māori Women’s Welfare League) and President of Ngāti Kahu Ki Kenana Wāhine Māori Toko i te Ora as well as their kai-hakawā (judge) mō Ngā Pū Kōrero o Āpōpō (Junior Orators 10–18 years) for the reo Māori sections.