Tāne is a young boy who loves to daydream, especially about superheroes who are constantly engaged in the struggle of good against evil. In his own imagination, Tāne believes that, just like the superheroes, he possesses magical powers that enable him to move objects with his mind. In the real world, Tāne must deal with teasing from his sister and the antics of her pet cat, Tori. From the first time they meet, Tori becomes a sworn enemy – generally making daily life difficult for Tāne. However, this all changes when Tāne is home alone one night and is forced to face his greatest fear.
He mahi pārekarepa ki a Tāne te moemoeā, ā, ko ia tērā e moemoeā ana mō tuahangata mā me ā rātau mahi tipua e kakari ana ki te pēhi i ngā mea kino o te ao pohewa. Ka mutu, ka pohewa noa a Tāne kei a ia anō te kaha ki te neke i ngā mea iti mā te tuku noa i ōna whakaaro. Heoi, ko tōna hoariri i te ao kikokiko, ko te mōkai poti a tōna tuahine, ko Tori tōna ingoa. Ko rāua tērā e riri ana ki a rāua anō, pō te ao, ao te pō. Tae rawa ki tētahi pō ko Tāne anake kei te kāinga, ka mataku pai ia i tētahi hanga weriweri. Mā wai a Tāne e whakaora?
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