This is the fourth fantasy/science fiction title in the Chronicles of Rēhua series following Rēhua, Hōkio and Maungaroa.
The story tells the challenges the teenage characters encounter on planet Rēhua – underwater worlds, love, jealousy, mythical sea creatures and portals. With the guidance of Hākurangi, the revered leader of the giant mystical birds, and their tribe leader, Matarau, the teenagers are sent on a quest to help the Ikatere (sea creatures) appease the feared wheke (octopus monsters) and also help the Tūrehu (fair-skinned fairies of the sea) who have discovered a way to return to Papatūānuku (Earth).
Ko tēnei te pukapuka pakimaero-ātea tuawhā o ngā Kohinga o Rēhua e whai ake ana i a Rēhua, Hōkio me Maungaroa.
Ka whai tonu tēnei pakimaero i ngā take ka tau ki runga i ngā taiohi i Rēhua - Mā ngā tohutohu a Hākurangi, te ariki o ngā hōkio, rāua ko Matarau, te rangatira o tō rātou iwi, ka tonoa ngā taiohi nei kia āwhina i ngā Ikatere, kia whakarata i ngā tipua wheke, ā, kia āwhina hoki i ngā Tūrehu kua kite i tētahi huarahi hoki atu ki Papatūānuku.
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