This story follows the challenges the teenagers encounter in their relatively new environment of the island Maungaroa on planet Rēhua. With the guidance of Hākurangi, the leader of the giant mystical birds, and their tribe’s leader, Matarau, the teenagers are sent on a quest to interpret messages found in a cave. These eventually lead them to help the Ponaturi appease the feared tipua wheke and also help the Tūrehu, who have discovered a way to return to Papa-tū-ā-nuku.
Ka whai tonu tēnei pakimaero i ngā take ka tau ki runga i ngā taiohi i a rātou e takahi haere ana i tō rātou whenua hou, Maungaroa, kei te aorangi o Rēhua. Mā ngā tohutohu a Hākurangi, te ariki o ngā hōkio, rāua ko Matarau, te rangatira o tō rātou iwi, ka whai ngā taiohi nei kia mārama ake ai ki ngā kōrero kua tuhia ki tētahi ana. I konei ka kite rātou i te huarahi haere mā rātou ki te whakarata i te mataku o te Ponaturi ki te tipua wheke, ā, ki te āwhina hoki i ngā tūrehu kua kite i tētahi huarahi hoki atu ki Papatūānuku.
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