Ngā Hekaheka o Aotearoa - He Aratohu mā te Pouako

This is a teacher guide to support the student booklet on fungi – a booklet that aims to describe the form, function and importance of fungi alongside examples of Māori knowledge and uses of fungi. It allows students to draw a distinction between fungi and plants and where fungi sit in the ecosystem.

He rauemi tēnei i hangaia mō ngā mahi pūtaiao, kei roto i te reo Māori hoki. Ko te kaupapa o tēnei rauemi ko te Hekaheka. Ko ōna whakamāramatanga katoa mai i te tirohanga pūtaiao, tirohanga Māori hoki. He whakamōhio i ngā ākonga i te rerekētanga o te hekaheka, ki ngā rākau, ki ngā whakatipu hoki. E kitea ai te nohanga o te hekaheka ki te pūnaha rauropi.

Get this resource from Down the Back of the Chair.


He Aratohu mā te Pouako

Year Level


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