Maiki Sherman
Ngāpuhi, Te Whakatōhea
Maiki Sherman is an award winning journalist having worked within Māori and mainstream newsrooms across the country. She has spent almost a decade as a senior political journalist at Parliament and is currently the Deputy Political Editor for 1News. Maiki has experience with legislative documents, executive summaries, extensive reports, and is therefore able to apply her translation skills with the required accuracy. A product of Te Kōhanga Reo and Kura Kaupapa Māori Aho Matua, Maiki was awarded the country’s top mark for Te Reo Rangatira NCEA Level 3 and later went on to graduate from Te Panekiretanga - the Institute of Excellence in the Māori Language. An avid reader and mother of six tamariki, Maiki has a passion for creative writing and is always looking to develop her translation skills further in this area. In this respect, she has provided translations for artist installations and exhibition statements.