Information for authors
Manuscript submissions
We receive a high volume of unsolicited manuscripts, and very few are selected for publication.
If you are a new or emerging author, we suggest several opportunities for development and publication through our association with the Māori Literature Trust and Storylines Trust.
If you are a current HUIA author, individual or organisation with whom we have a pre-existing relationship, please contact our Publishing Manager directly about new material you’d like to pitch.
Please be aware our 2024 programme of work is full. Any new material will be considered for publication in 2025 onwards.

Submit your manuscript
Email your story to
Ensure this is in a Word doc, or equivalent format, with double spacing.

Once we have received your manuscript
We will send you an acknowledgement of receipt. We receive a high volume of submissions, and it can take up to three to six months to assess.

If your manuscript is accepted
Congratulations! We will be in touch and send you a draft contract. At this stage, we will also send you a document detailing our publishing process and how we will work with
If your manuscript is declined
You will be informed by email. Unfortunately, we are unable to give critical commentary on manuscripts that we receive, so your email will not include detailed feedback. We do appreciate your understanding about this. If your manuscript is not accepted, kia kaha, keep going. Look at submitting your work for Te Papa Tupu Mentorship programme or Pikihuia Short Story Awards.
For all enquiries about submitted manuscripts, please email

Te Papa Tupu
Te Papa Tupu is a writing programme developed by the Māori Literature Trust – Te Waka Taki Kōrero and sponsored by Huia Publishers.
Chosen writers spend six months working alongside a mentor to develop their manuscript and improve their writing skills, all to meet the end goal of having a publishable manuscript. Writers also attend workshops and a national writers’ festival, become part of a writing community and receive a grant to cover costs.

Pikihuia Awards for Māori Writers
These awards started in 1995 as the HUIA Short Story Writing Competition as a way to identify new literary talent. Since that time, the event has expanded from two to six categories. It is now known as the Pikihuia Awards and is into its third decade.
The awards are organised by the Māori Literature Trust – Te Waka Taki Kōrero in collaboration with Huia Publishers.
Contact us