Rights and permissions


We welcome enquiries about rights to publish HUIA works in other languages, regions and formats. For rights enquiries, please email customer.services@huia.co.nz


If you would like to reproduce material from a Huia Publishers’ publication, please contact us to gain permission to use the material in your project. This includes permission to reproduce text (including extracts from fiction, non-fiction, poetry, children’s books and posters), images, photographs, tables and diagrams, as well as logos, motifs and design elements from HUIA publications. There may be costs associated with the granting of permissions.

To request permission, please email customer.services@huia.co.nz and provide the following information:

HUIA publication you want to reproduce material from:

The title and author/editor of the HUIA publication.

The year of publication.

The material you want to reproduce – please be specific so that we can easily identify the material.

Your publication or project:

A description of your book or project (such as a poster or resource) in which the material will be reproduced.

The title of your book or project.

The author/editor of your book or project.

The number of pages of your book, its size and word count and whether it is hard or soft cover, or similar details for your project.

The year of publication of your book or project.