Poutama activity books

Poutama activity books

Department of Corrections

The Poutama series of activity books has been developed for inmates who are incarcerated in prisons across Aotearoa. This is the first series in Aotearoa that has been developed specifically for this audience.

Type of work

  • Content development
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Research
  • Illustration
  • Image management
  • Design and creative solutions
  • Printing and distribution
  • Photography content development
  • Branding


  • Branding of 12-issue series
  • Up to A4 size, portrait
  • Full colour
  • 32 pages + cover
Poutama activity books

Due to the impact of COVID-19, prison inmates were often confined to their cells and unable to attend their regular education programmes. The Poutama series was developed to provide inmates with entertainment and an opportunity to learn while in isolation.

The series is targeted at inmates in Māori education programmes. The content was developed to have a strong focus on kaupapa Māori and tikanga Māori.

Poutama activity books
Poutama activity books

As the series would be entering prisons, HUIA took many precautions in developing each component to ensure it was safe for use within prisons. The HUIA team took extreme care while compiling the content for the series to ensure it would be well received by the target audience.


‘Huia Publishers had a challenging brief, which, based on the feedback received, they have met admirably. To be relevant the publication had to be an education resource that as many people as possible could relate to, including men and women across the 17 prisons. The content needed to provide educational information and content that aligns with our strategic rehabilitative approach, and have a focus on mātauranga (knowledge/education) Māori.’ 

‘These are absolutely amazing. They are exactly what the wāhine have been asking for. They will be especially well received by wāhine who aren’t enrolled in any study or who want to learn te reo.’ – A tuakana/peer support mentor

Poutama activity books
Poutama activity books
Poutama activity books
Poutama activity books

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