Non Fiction

The State of Māori Rights

Margaret Mutu

The State of Māori Rights brings together a set of articles written between 1994 and 2009. It places on record the Māori view of events and issues that took place over these years – issues that have been more typically reported to the general public from a mainstream media perspective.

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It is an important documentation of these fifteen years of New Zealand history, recording the assertion of the rights of Māori as the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand, focusing on Māori issues and experiences and written from a Māori perspective.

The articles discuss the ongoing settling of grievances against the Crown for breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi, the solutions Māori have advocated and the benefits to the country when Māori advice on these matters is followed. 


Social Issues/Politics



Publication Date

February 1, 2011

ISBN (E-Book)


""Anyone unaware, puzzled, irritated or just plain dismissive of claims for recognition of Māori rights need only dip into this resume to gain some much-needed focus...This is certainly a valuable reference work for anyone working in the field and required reading for those with the faintest pretention to knowledge of the subject.""

Bob Molloy - Bay Chronicle

""This book holds events up to the current light of day and exposes the underlying racism that has characterised much of successive governments' dealings with Māori issues...Even the contents page is a potted tour of important things that have occured.""

Gerry Te Kapa Coates - Te Karaka

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